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Rome, Italy

Things to do in Rome, Italy

Capitoline Hill in Rome

The Capitolium or Capitoline Hill is one of the seven hills of Rome. Here you can see the world's oldest public museum - the Capitoline Museums and the statue of Marcus Aurelius. On Hilltop square designed by Michelangelo you can enjoy the view at the heart of ancient Rome - (Latin Forum Romanum) Roman Forum.  
Colosseum in Rome

Just east of the Roman Forum there is the most famous site from ancient Rome , the Colosseum. the largest ancient amphitheater ever built. Construction began under the emperor Vespasian (r. 69–79 AD) in 72 and was completed in AD 80 under his successor and heir, Titus (r. 79–81). It could hold an estimated 60,000 spectators. There the Romans could enjoy the gladiatorial combats and public spectacles such as mock sea battles, animal hunts, executions, reenactments of famous battles, and dramas based on Roman mythology. The building ceased to be used for entertainment in the early medieval era. It was later reused for such purposes as housing, workshops, quarters for a religious order, a fortress, a quarry, and a Christian shrine.
Constantine Arch in Rome

The best preserved monument of ancient Rome is the Pantheon. It is the temple of all the gods. Rebuilt by the emperor Hadrian around 125AD. And it has been in continuous use throughout its history. Since the 7th century, the Pantheon has been in use as a church dedicated to "St. Mary and the Martyrs" but informally known as "Santa Maria Rotonda". The square in front of the Pantheon is called Piazza della Rotonda. Some of the most important Italian artists were buried in the Pantheon like the painters Raphael and Annibale Carracci, the composer Arcangelo Corelli, and the architect Baldassare Peruzzi. In the 15th century, the Pantheon was adorned with paintings: the best-known is the Annunciation by Melozzo da Forlì. Many architects  looked to the Pantheon as inspiration for their works. 
Pantheon's interior

Piazza Navona

Piazza Navona

Trevi Fountain
The most famous fountain in Rome is the Trevi Fountain (Italian Fontana di Trevi), The fountain was built in 1762 by the architect Nicolo Salvi.
Roman Holiday posters

obelisk in  Piazza del Popolo

Mouth of Truth

Rome - capital of Italy 🇮🇹, the city of seven hills, the Eternal City, the former capital of the world. Today Rome is one of the most important tourist destinations of the world, due to its amazing historical sites, the charm of its unique traditions and the beauty of its panoramic views 😍


There used to be the economic, political and religious center of the city. Today it is a vast excavated area of ​​Roman temples, plazas and government buildings, some have been there for more than 2,000 years. 

Outside the Colosseum there is the Constantine Arch inspired by the divine. Constantine was the first Roman emperor to convert to Christianity.

Not too far from the Pantheon you can find a square called Piazza Navona. It is famous for 3 fountains: the Fountain of the Four Rivers by Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini, La Fontana di Nettuno and la Fontana del Moro. 

In ancient Rome the square used to be the Stadium of Domitian, where the Romans came to see the games. 

The stadium was known as Circus Agonalis and it is believed that over time the name changed from in agone to navone and later to navona.

If you want to see the ruins of the ancient stadium, there is one in Rome called Circus Maximus, it is the largest hippodrome used for chariot racing. 12 chariots could compete at the hippodrome at the same time.

According to legend, young couples who drank water from them will love each other and live in harmony until old age. There is a belief that a person who threw a coin into the pool of the fountain will come to Rome again. Two coins - a love meeting. Three - a wedding . Four coins are wealth. Five coins - separation. The Trevi Fountain is featured in many films: "Roman Holiday", "La Dolce Vita", "Madly in Love" and others, as well as in the animated series "Futurama"

Another interesting square is Piazza del Popolo with an obelisk and a fountain located on it

Is a large urban square in Rome. Before the railroads, it was the traveler's first view of Rome upon arrival. An Egyptian obelisk of Sety I from Heliopolis stands in the center of the Piazza.

Another fun site is called Mouth of Truth (Italian Bocca Della Verità) - it is an antique round marble slab depicting the mask of Triton (or Ocean) located from the 17th century in the portico of the Church of Santa Maria in Cosmedin in Rome. In the Middle Ages, a belief was associated with this disc that if a liar inserts a hand into a hole made in the form of a deity's mouth, the deity will bite it off. This legend gained wide popularity in the world after the release of the romantic comedy "Roman Holiday".


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